I don’t like Canola and I don’t care for yellow, but that’s what our field is full of every other year. The kids love it. They quad down to the field and check the crop, hold the black seeds in their hands and announce that they’re ready for harvest. He climbs the “mountain” and yells […]


This is Their Childhood | Memory Keeping Artifacts of a Photographer Mother

I had the feeling as I planned the session that I should add elements of mystery. Then she told me she was a 2/5 emotional manifestor and thought maybe some mysterious elements would be nice. As she reached down to touch a white cockle, I noted that her hands looked a lot like mine. We […]


A Little Bit of Mystery | Red Deer Alberta Branding Photographer

The evening green bursts rapture on my skin, luminous warm breath on trees. I am undone, fingertips to dark soil I swim, Awakening to soft kisses from leaves. Bare Skin and the leaves; they are one and the same. The body is our very own patch of earth. How you speak, feel, and interact with […]

myth, storytelling

Back to Her Nature | Alberta Photography Education

Messy hair and dirty feet. The flushed faces of children who have been running and wrestling for the past hour. Grit on the floor from the dirt they tracked in after playing in the rain-soaked garden. A mixture of leaves and dandelion heads, sand, and water is added to an old battered bowl she uses […]


When Home is Wild | Red Deer Alberta Motherhood Photographer