Last weekend I went with my friend to Calgary for a night of art, relaxation, and friendship. While there, I was love punched with some insight about my country snobbery. A rural girl at heart, I’ve always wondered how people survive in cities. How do you cultivate a relationship with Nature when you are surrounded […]


The Truth About the City | Calgary Engagement and Elopement Photographer

Longing for someone looks different once you’ve been married for a while. You have to create the distance that longing requires because it doesn’t come organically anymore.


Longing and Love in the City | Calgary Couple’s Photographer

I also started deconstructing my Christian belief system and as those towers crumbled I found myself, like Medea, asking “How do you soothe utter desolation? How do you…stand among the ruins of your home?”

myth, storytelling

The Beginning; A Feminine Awakening | Alberta Womanhood Photographer

The expansion of the womb demands an expansion in every other area of your life. You don’t get to stay the same. Everything shifts, and it should. As a woman’s body expands, so does her awareness. Of how she was raised. Of how she wants to raise her child. Of the dangers lurking in the […]

myth, storytelling

Becomings | Alberta Maternity Photographer