sasha casta
But as long as I am denying that for me motherhood was on some level, an act of self-betrayal, I will continue to resist this phase of my life, and I will miss the wisdom and deep teachings that it has to offer me.
The quiet was so loud you wished anything would happen The songs I listened to were the clucking of chickens, the wind in the trees, and my mom’s voice with her guitar after I’d gone to bed at night. I wish I remembered what it was like to be content. Maybe I never was. Maybe […]
I am taking a break from social media. It’s been a long time coming. I started to feel the first pangs of burnout around this time last year, and although I knew that I needed to tune out from the world and put my efforts and energy into myself I didn’t. Because I was scared. […]
Oh snap, a word that makes “appropriate” people squeamish. But since I’m all but positive no “appropriate” people read this blog, let’s get to it. Pussy. Say it out loud. Pussy. Pussy, pussy pussy pussy pussy. “I hate that word” someone recently told me. It almost feels like you shouldn’t say it. Or maybe you […]