August 29, 2022

Celestial Edit Using only Lightroom | Alberta Portrait Photographer


I’m going to be really transparent here; I’m not super saavy in photoshop.

I know how to use it for what I need (like composites and to change color tones if I need), but I prefer to do the bulk of my editing in lightroom. So here is a tutorial on how I use lightroom overlays to add some drama to this image of my daughter…

Celestial Edit Using only Lightroom | Alberta Portrait Photographer

In this tutorial, I’ll be using Twyla Jones’s Celestial presets; you can find them at

and Archipelago Quest 16 presets; (quest is a monthly subscription of presets and I love to play with their film style sets; you can find them at

And that’s it. I hope it was helpful. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments<3

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about the bitch who wrote this

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about the bitch who wrote this

Hi, I'm Sasha. Half-feral, neurodivergent, photographer and earth mystic with a chronic thirst to go deeper. I have a BA in English with emphasis on psychology and mythology and I will likely spend the rest of my life studying the intimate weaving between those three fields and marinating in my own personal folklore. 

I believe art is a sacred practice of attunement, to ourselves, and to our communities. I want to start a revolution of fully aligned artists that alchemizes how we view ourselves and how we tell stories. 

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