sasha casta
A second year of printing personal images and I realized something important: the exercise is a lesson in itself. It doesn’t matter if it’s “good”, what matters is that you engage with the process and created something tangible, something you can hold in your hands and flip through with your children as they grow that […]
I didn’t go for the education, I went for the Integration. I’m 3 years into my photography journey and my intuitive body no longer allows me to self-abandon. Maybe it was the hell I lived through last summer, or maybe it was the thousand small cuts of unaligned compromise before it, but the knowing inside […]
If wedding photographers are supposed to have emotional boundaries, I’m doing it wrong. I fought tears multiple times throughout the day – asking myself “you barely know these people. why are you crying?” But I don’t have to know them to feel the palpable longing between them. To witness love and devotion as genuine as […]
Earthen shell this mass of sinew and tissue I have seen most clearly the scars that mark you. Yet I love every imperfection as if they were lined in gold. Do not shrink from me, my clay-made image though dust you will become I rejoice in our withering as I should have rejoiced in our […]