August 1, 2023

Wild Roses | Photographs from Alberta’s Women’s Festival

myth, storytelling

To worship with abandon means to fully let go of pretenses; to come to the feet of the divine and allow yourself to be seen. That is what I experienced at the Wild Roses Festival in July. Women came together and removed the masks they wear in the world and let each other touch the truth of their souls. It was beautiful. Painfully beautiful and raw. In a world that glorifies grit and hardness, being soft is a revolution. The women I met, talked to, and was privileged to photograph, embodied the strength in softness as they came together to sit at each other’s feet and absorb acceptance and love, which was bountifully given.

How beautiful.

How fucking beautiful it was to witness.

How transformative it was to receive. The moment soft wrinkled hands cupped my face with a grandmotherly love I had never experienced before, I fell into a puddle of tears. She said, “Oh sweetheart, you were never seen. You just need to be seen.” She put her forehead to mine and at that moment I knew this is what all women need. We need each other. We need to learn from and listen to each other. We need to be witnesses to each other’s truths. We need to encourage and support each other in the rising of our wildness. We need to remember.

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about the bitch who wrote this

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about the bitch who wrote this

Hi, I'm Sasha. Half-feral, neurodivergent, photographer and earth mystic with a chronic thirst to go deeper. I have a BA in English with emphasis on psychology and mythology and I will likely spend the rest of my life studying the intimate weaving between those three fields and marinating in my own personal folklore. 

I believe art is a sacred practice of attunement, to ourselves, and to our communities. I want to start a revolution of fully aligned artists that alchemizes how we view ourselves and how we tell stories. 

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