June 2, 2024

Becoming a Child Again | Red Deer Portrait Photographer


“I wish I were a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free,” Catherine Earnshaw laments in Wuthering Heights. I know this feeling well. I watch my daughter run around picking wildflowers, the wind throwing her long hair into her face as she marvels at the simple magic of untamed plants and I think, how beautiful. When was the last time you frolicked? When was the last time you frolicked with a friend? Adulthood rains on many a childhood parade and although we continue to visit our friends there is all too often a lost sense of play in the relationship.

But we can reclaim it. During this session I watched as these two friends reclaimed play, laughing, dancing, and touching each other as only the best of friends do and I thought, how beautiful. I want to be a girl again, half savage and hardy, and free.

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about the bitch who wrote this

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about the bitch who wrote this

Hi, I'm Sasha. Half-feral, neurodivergent, photographer and earth mystic with a chronic thirst to go deeper. I have a BA in English with emphasis on psychology and mythology and I will likely spend the rest of my life studying the intimate weaving between those three fields and marinating in my own personal folklore. 

I believe art is a sacred practice of attunement, to ourselves, and to our communities. I want to start a revolution of fully aligned artists that alchemizes how we view ourselves and how we tell stories. 

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