July 26, 2024

Alexa + Kieran | The Valley Weddings | Alberta Intimate Wedding Photographer


If wedding photographers are supposed to have emotional boundaries, I’m doing it wrong. I fought tears multiple times throughout the day – asking myself “you barely know these people. why are you crying?”

But I don’t have to know them to feel the palpable longing between them. To witness love and devotion as genuine as theirs made my heart ache with gratitude that there are people like them in the world. When he began his vows with “my darling” in a tone I hadn’t heard before that moment; a tenderness so intentional, as if even her name in his mouth is safe, I whispered “fuck that’s beautiful”. Her sister said “she had the magic” and you didn’t have to look very hard to see it. She is magic. He is magic. They create magic together.

Congrats Alexa and Kieran; here’s your love story in black and white.

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about the bitch who wrote this

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about the bitch who wrote this

Hi, I'm Sasha. Half-feral, neurodivergent, photographer and earth mystic with a chronic thirst to go deeper. I have a BA in English with emphasis on psychology and mythology and I will likely spend the rest of my life studying the intimate weaving between those three fields and marinating in my own personal folklore. 

I believe art is a sacred practice of attunement, to ourselves, and to our communities. I want to start a revolution of fully aligned artists that alchemizes how we view ourselves and how we tell stories. 

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