I didn’t go for the education, I went for the Integration. I’m 3 years into my photography journey and my intuitive body no longer allows me to self-abandon. Maybe it was the hell I lived through last summer, or maybe it was the thousand small cuts of unaligned compromise before it, but the knowing inside […]

education, storytelling

Release + Let Go: A Photographer Unraveling in Banff Alberta

I’ve been contemplating originality for over a year now. Many an artistic guru has touched on this topic, unpacking the nuances of inspiration and originality and how those two things can go together. I love Elizabeth Gilbert’s take on it: That originality is inconsequential and what makes an idea feel original is you; your experience […]

education, storytelling

On Bread Alone | A Sasha Casta Personal Project Turned Unraveled Academy Course

Myself, I was raised with this information. I may talk some shit about my Christian upbringing, but one thing I can say about Seventh-Day Adventists is that their ideology puts a strong focus on clean foods and healthy living. Living close to Nature and eating foods that you grow/tend yourself was my early life. However, I did not learn how common parasites are until I was in my mid-twenties, and holy shit balls I can tell you, I was horrified for weeks. I still struggle with bouts of wild imaginings of worms crawling inside my body. You know when you die and they say you’re food for the worms? Well the worms that eat you aren’t the ones in the ground, they are the ones already inside you.


Unfinished Business | The Ugly Truth About Colon and Parasite Cleansing

As someone who loves to take nude photographs of women, one would think that I would market myself a boudoir photographer. Labeling my work boudoir would certainly make it easier as the term “boudoir” itself is so popular. It just makes sense, doesn’t it? But I can’t bring myself to call my work boudoir. It […]


Why I Refuse to Call Myself a Boudoir Photographer | Alberta Fine Art Photographer