Old Growth

Did you know that mature trees feed younger ones, sending them nutrients in a way akin to breastfeeding? Did you know that when an old tree is left to rot and decay on the forest floor, it becomes a powerful generator for new growth? Did you know that decaying leaves break down in the water […]


Why We Should Give More Fucks About Trees | Central Alberta Photographer

Or maybe we’ve been so over-fed families on golden lit hills that we’ve never considered that our family photos could be done any other way.

education, storytelling

Breaking the Family Session Script | Alberta Family Photographer

Hello Lovelies and welcome to my first education blog! Below, you’ll find a video on how I did a simple composite using a couple of self-portraits I took today. These images were fully edited in lightroom when I brought them into photoshop (I used a preset that I created myself based off of a film […]


How I Create a Self Portrait Composite | Alberta Fine Art Portrait Photographer